Bracelet Style & Types Guide

Figaro Chain

A figaro chain link is a popular type of jewellery chain known for its distinctive pattern and versatility, it is commonly used in bracelets and necklaces to add a touch of style and sophistication to an overall design. The figaro chain link features a pattern of flattened links, typically consisting of three smaller circular links followed by a larger elongated oval link. This pattern reapers throughout the chain and the smaller links provide flexibility and movement while the larger oval link adds a focal point. Figaro chains are typically made from precious metals such as gold or sterling silver, but they can also be found in other materials like stainless steel. The chain can be worn as a standalone piece or used as a base to hang pendants, charms, or other jewellery elements. The Figaro chain link's versatility makes it suitable for both men's and women's jewellery. It is often chosen for its timeless appeal and ability to complement various styles and outfits. 

Belcher Bracelet

A Belcher bracelet, is a popular type of jewellery chain characterised by its sturdy and rounded links. It is a classic and versatile chain design that is commonly used in necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. The Belcher chain features links that are typically round or oval in shape and have a uniform thickness. The links are usually interlocked in a way that creates a smooth and continuous chain and this design provides strength and durability making it great for everyday wear. The name "Belcher" is believed to have originated from the name of an English bare-knuckle boxer, Jem Belcher, who was famous during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The chain design gained popularity around that time and became associated with his name. Suitable for various occasions, from casual everyday wear to more formal events, the Belcher chain is a popular choice for those seeking a classic and reliable chain design.

Curb Link

At the heart of the object, there is the breath andt he hand of the craftsman. The one who blows the glass and leaves in each piece a complement of soul, the one who delicately pours the wax layer by layer. At the heart of the object there are also the materials, which allow our collections to express all their nobility.

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