What Is The December Birthstone?

What Is The December Birthstone?

Emily Schinella Emily Schinella
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While December is very much associated with the festive season and a new year, for a lot of the Sagittarius and Capricorn signs out there its also about birthday celebrations. So, if you've got a loved one with a birthday coming up this December, the chances are you are on the hunt for the perfect gift to surprise them with. And as far as gifting goes, personalised gifts like birthstone jewellery always hits the mark as its meaningful and often adds the perfect splash of colour to anyone's look. But what is the December birthstone?

Great question! In fact, you'd be quite surprised to know there is not just one birthstone for December but actually three, blue topaz, tanzanite and turquoise. Known for their vibrant hues and rich meaning, the lore behind the December birthstones is fascinating. So, read on as we unpack all that there is to know about these colourful gems in our birthstones guide.

December Birthstone  

December Birthstone Guide:

December Birthstone One: Blue Topaz 

Topaz jewellery has a long history and it is very symbolic. It is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine. Although, it comes in a variety of colours, the most common topaz colours in Australia are clear, pale yellow and a light to dark blue colour. Blue topaz, however, is the one most commonly associated with the December birthstone. 

December Birthstone | Topaz

Said to bring strength and a sense of calm to the wearer while also sharpening the mind and eliminating nightmares, the Ancient Greeks used to believe that wearing topaz jewellery would give the wearer special powers and improving confidence. It was also believed that if you grinded up this rich stone into a fine powder and mixed into wine it would be your ticket to a good night's sleep. Although, we wouldn't recommend trying this now. 

What Does Blue Topaz Symbolise? 

While the lore about what blue topaz symbolises varies depending on cultures and belief systems, some of the ones most commonly associated with the gemstone include positive communication, creativity, inspiration, spiritual growth, protection and calming energy. It its for these reasons that blue topaz if often used as a tool in yoga and meditation or often worn in daily life as a way to keep negative energies at bay while also promoting a sense of wellbeing. Creatives will sometimes adorn blue topaz when they are seeking some inspiration as they believe it helps get their creative juices flowing. 

How Blue Is Topaz Made?

Ranking in at 8th place on the MOHS scale, third only to sapphires (at 9) and diamonds (at 10), Topaz stones are a silicate mineral that forms within the igneous rock where high levels of aluminium and fluorine are present. Typically associated with hydrothermal activity, a topaz will crystalize in extremely high temperatures (usually above 400 degrees) when water, mineral and gas rich liquids circulate in the earth's crust and are then deposited into open spaces-thus causing the stones to form. The stone will then get its rich colour through natural irradiation, either from natural sources like uranium or from artificial treatments.  

Our Favourite Topaz Jewellery

From elegant blue topaz earrings to vibrant London blue topaz rings, our collection of jewellery adorned with this stunning birthstone is sure to dazzle the December baby in your life. 



9ct Yellow Gold Heart Blue Topaz + 8 Diamond Ring

$434.50 $834.00

This sparkling ring is perfectly unique. With a heart-shaped blue topaz, the 9ct yellow gold ring is surrounded by luscious diamonds.… read more

December Birthstone Two: Turquoise 

Known for its boho-chic aesthetic, turquoise jewellery is one of those gemstones that slips under the radar. Boasting an eye catching green-blue hue with deep gold veins in its exterior that almost give it a marble-like appearance, turquoise is definitely a stone that stands out, Especially when paired with yellow gold or sterling silver jewellery. Hugely popular during the 1970s disco-era, this December birthstone is definitely having its comeback thanks to the western and maximalist jewellery trends that are currently blowing up on your Instagram and TikTok feeds. 

Cherished for millennia, some cultures believe that turquoise possesses many powerful qualities, including the ability to bring good health and fortune. Centuries ago, it was also believed to protect wearers from physical harm and would break into several pieces at the approach of disaster, acting as a warning sign for people that danger was approaching. In Native American culture, the sight of a turquoise stone coupled with a new moon was thought to bring the wearer good future while also protecting them from evil forces. In some European cultures, giving turquoise jewellery as a gift is seen as a 'forget-me-not' token. 

What Does Turquoise Symbolise? 

Not only does turquoise have a lot of meaningful uses in various cultures, but it also carries a lot of symbolism in many different belief systems. Regarded as a sacred stone in Native American culture, turquoise is often seen as a marker of friendship and love and is even thought to help strengthen the bond between you and your loved ones. A symbol of spiritual connection, many will adorn turquoise stones to help enhance spiritual insight and to protect from negative energies. Because of its bold and bright hue, turquoise is also thought to represent a boost in confidence. Throughout history, turquoise has been highly prized by ancient civilizations as a symbol of power, protection and good fortune.

How Is Turquoise Made?

Typically found in Russia, China, Iran and the United States, turquoise is a style of mineral known as a phosphate which forms when acidic water comes into contact with copper, forming veins or nuggets of stone in volcanic rocks or sedimentary rocks that are rich in aluminium and phosphate. The stone's rich green-blue hue and unique veiny appearance is due to processes known as oxidation and weathering. Simply put, these processes are when turquoise-bearing rocks are exposed to the air resulting in a chemical reaction that turns the stones this colour.  

Our Favourite Turquoise Jewellery 

Turquoise comes in variety of designs and styles including playful drop earrings and pendants to chic silver rings that can be layered into a cute stack. These are just a few of our favourite turquoise pieces from the Shiels range. 

December Birthstone Three: Tanzanite 

Perhaps one of the rarest of the December birthstones, tanzanite jewellery is famous for its midnight blue-almost purplish, almost violet hue. Found only in one part of the world, a small area in northern Tanzania,  gemologists believe it could be one of the rarest stones on earth. It is so rare in fact, that some people believe that supplies will be completely depleted within twenty years or so. Which means if you're a December baby with a love for this stone, you better stock up sooner rather than later. 

Despite its relatively similar appearance, tanzanite is not in any way related to sapphire stones. Discovered in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania in 1967, tanzanite is exclusively found in this East African nation. This rare gemstone is a member of the zoisite family and owes its distinctive colour to the presence of the minerals vanadium and chromium. Tanzanite is also renowned for its ability to display an array of colours when placed at different angles and in different light. Although, it is a relatively soft gemstone on the Mohs scale and often requires careful handing, tanzanite has gained immense popularity in the jewellery market because of its rich colour and rarity.

What Does Tanzanite Symbolise? 

Beyond its captivating aesthetics, tanzanite is also associated with an array of symbolic meanings. As a gemstone discovered in Tanzania, it is often regarded as a symbol of uniqueness and exclusivity. The deep blue-violet hues of stone itself are thought to represent spiritual insight, intuition, and a connection to higher realms of consciousness. Some cultures also believe that wearing tanzanite can promote a sense of calmness and clarity, encouraging individuals to trust their inner wisdom. Tanzanite is also regarded as a symbol of transformation and personal growth, reflecting the transformative journey from its raw, uncut form to the polished and faceted gemstone it becomes.

How Is Tanzanite Made? 

The formation of tanzanite requires very specific geological conditions, particularly, mineral-rich rocks coupled with hydrothermal activity. Hydrothermal activity is a process in which hot water rich in minerals like copper and aluminium circulate and interact with the surrounding rock formations, especially the ones that contain zoisite. This results in a chemical reaction which causes the mineral-rich deposits to crystalize within the veins and cavities of the rocks. Over an extended period, often millions of years, the tanzanite crystals undergo further geological processes, including changes in pressure and temperature. These factors contribute to the development and stabilization of the gemstone.

Our Favourite Tanzanite Jewellery 

Tanzanite jewellery comes in a range of different pieces. However, because of the rarity of tanzanite, most jewellers don't have much stock. Check out some of our favourite pieces of tanzanite jewellery including tanzanite rings, earrings, pendants and more below. 

What The Other Birthstones Are:

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